Boarding Form Required Fields in Red Client Name: Pet Name: Phone: Pick Up Date & Time: If you pick your pet/pets up after 12PM you will be a charged half a day fee Drop Off Date & Time: Notes Feeding Instructions: Brought Food (Each meal is to be put into a separate Ziploc bag.) LAH Resort Food (Purina EN) Quantity How many times a day Treats Own Treats LAH Treats None Does your pet still need to be fed today? AM MealPM MealNone If boarding multiple pets, do they need to be fed separately? Yes ($6 fee per day)No Does your pet have any allergies to food/treats or are there special feeding instructions? Medications & Supplements:There is a fee of $2.00 per administration. All medications MUST be kept in their original container. Do NOT mix with food. Medication: Dose: AMPM3XRefill? Medication: Dose: AMPM3XRefill? Medication: Dose: AMPM3XRefill? Medication: Dose: AMPM3XRefill? Medication: Dose: AMPM3XRefill? Medication: Dose: AMPM3XRefill? When do we need to start medications? Flea Prevention: LAH is a flea free environment. If your pet is not on a veterinary approved flea preventative, then a Capstar (Flea Control Pill) will be given at the owner’s expense of $9.50. Current Flea Preventative: Date Last Given: Pet’s Personal Belongings: (Lanier Animal Hospital is not responsible for lost or damaged items.) We wash all bedding the night before your pet goes home (must fit in a standard washer/dryer). Would you like to opt out and keep their things in the kennel? YesNo Bathing Services (Dogs): All dogs that board 2 or more nights with us will receive a complimentary exit bath with ear cleaning. Disclaimer: Our complimentary exit baths are not recommended for long-haired dogs or doodle breeds, as they do not include a brush-out, which can lead to matting. To ensure proper coat care, we recommend a professional Bath & Brush with one of our groomers, which besides the bath & complete brush out, also includes a nail trim, external anal gland expression and a facial scrub. As a special offer, we provide a $10 discount on any Bath & Brush service for our guests choosing this option during their boarding stay instead of the complimentary bath. I choose to waive the Bath & Brush promotion & elect the exit bath with ear cleaning.Nail Grinding - $25.00Anal Glands - $21.00 Professional Grooming Services (Dogs): Please check a box below if you would like your pet to be groomed by one of our professional groomers. Full grooms, mini grooms, and bath & brush services include nail grinding, ear cleaning, facial scrub and external anal gland expression. An estimate will be provided for you at check-in. Full Groom – whole body haircutMini Groom – face, feet & sanitary haircut (no body)Bath and Brush – complete brush out (including Furminator when applicable) no haircut Sign up for our Full Groom Pampered Pet Program (20% off every 4th full groom) and our Loyalty Bath & Brush Promotion ($10 off every Bath & Brush between grooms) at check-in. Hygiene Services (Cats): If you would like your cat to have these services while he/she is boarded, please check the boxes below.< Nail Trim - $20.00Sanitary Clip - $21.00 Dog Extras: If you would like your dog to have any extras services while he/she is boarded, please check the boxes below. Luxury Boarding comes with 1 group playtime, a daily picture and a webcam. Individual Playtime w/ Luxury Boarding $9 Additional (Per Play) # Group Playtime $9 (Per Play) with Deluxe & Small Dog Boarding # Individual Playtime $18 (Per Play) with Deluxe & Small Dog Boarding A picture is included with playtimes. Please enter your cell number: # A picture is included with playtimes. If you have checked one of the playtimes please enter your cell number: *( The device we send pictures from is for photo sharing only and is not monitored.) If this is your first time using the webcam, be sure to get the instruction sheet at check in and confirm you are able to pull up the camera. Poor internet connections, including most cruise lines and international destinations may not always allow viewing. Veterinary Services: Does your pet need to see a veterinarian for any services? YesNo (Examination fee applies. Please allow time at check in for our technicians to get a history on your pet.) Are there any problems or concerns? Please list: IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY OR ILLNESS: The doctors at Lanier Animal Hospital will make every effort to contact you or your emergency contact in the event your pet becomes ill (vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, bleeding, etc.) during his/her stay with us. However, in the case we cannot reach you or your emergency contact within 8 hours we will do an exam & start medication on your pet at your expense, which typically does not exceed $250. We do not want your pet to suffer or to put other pets at risk for potentially contagious diseases. Special Instructions for Emergency Care: Your Contact Information: Name: Phone: Preferred contact method: CallTextEmail Primary Authorized Emergency Contact: Name: Phone: Email: Secondary Authorized Emergency Contact: Name: Phone: Email: Email (For communication while your pet is boarding, especially if you can not be reached by phone): I have received & signed estimate(s) for veterinary services, boarding services, and grooming services & agree to pay all charges. I have received & read the separate boarding policies document. Digital Signature Date